Year 2 Poland
Welcome to Poland Class
Class teacher – Miss McKearney
Teaching Assistants - Miss Samson
PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Please ensure that FULL PE kit is worn to school on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Children need to have their purple Welland shirt, black shorts, trousers or leggings and trainers.
Homework: For homework, we encourage children to read as much as they can at home. They have a reading book which can be changed throughout the week and a reading record to record when they read. Inside the reading record, the children will also have their login for Timetable Rock Stars. We encourage children to practice this as regularly as they can.
Reading: We ask all of our children to read every evening with an adult at home. Please ensure that reading records and reading books come into school each day. At the end of the week, the child who has read the most times at home will be awarded the Reader of the Week and will win a prize. Before the book is changed, your child will answer some comprehension questions about the book to ensure they have fully understood the story. If we feel that they may need to read it again to fully grasp understanding, we will not change the book.
Autumn Term 1
This term our topic is the Great Fire of London. We will be learning all about how the fire started and spread and also some famous people that lived through the event. We may even be creating our own cramped Old London Street so that we can really see what it was like.
In Science, we are learning about materials. We will be classifying different materials and experimenting with how they can be used in different ways.
Autumn Term 2
This term our topic is the Where are we in the World. We will be comparing two different places, looking at the area we live and comparing Welland and Castor. We should hopefully take a trip to Castor during this half term. We also briefly talk about the Victorian times: A day in the life of a Victorian school child and what their homes were like.
Spring Term 1
This term our topic is the How does your Garden Grow. We will be learning all about growing plants (seeds to our table) and animals. We think about where our food comes from and do a science investigation about what a seed needs to grow. We will take a trip to a farm during this half term.
Spring Term 2
This term our topic is the William the Conqueror. We will be learning all about the events of the Battle of Hastings and they key people that were involved in this. We research the impact that had on life in Britain now and discuss how it changed things. Part of his influences were in the castle he build so we learn about what it was like living in one.
Summer Term 1
This term our topic is Inspect and Insect. We will be learning all about different minibeasts and their habitats. We will look at our local environment and compare lots of different habitats. We will discuss why different insects need different environments to thrive. We will also hopefully be visiting a mosque as part of our R.E.
Summer Term 2
This term our topic is the Where Land Meets sea. We will be learning all about coastlines and beaches. We look at the role of the moon in the tides and take a trip to Hunstanton to learn about the cliffs and erosion. We may be running another Year 2 residential during this term.