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EYFS Portugal

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Welcome to EYFS Portugal Class!

The Class Teacher is Mrs Rumsey.

Our Teaching Assistants are: Miss Bewick and Miss Holmes

We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for supporting us with our smooth transition over the first week. 

A few reminders as you begin to bring your children into school:

+ The classroom doors open at 8.40am. 

+ Remember to say goodbye to your child. This means a lot to your child and helps them to start their day well. 

PE DAYS - Wednesday - Children can come in to school in their PE kit on this day.  Please make sure that your child does not have earrings in. 


+ Please ensure your child has the correct uniform which complies with the Academy uniform policy.


+ Water bottles can be brought into class. They must contain only water.

+ Please can you ensure that you write your child's name in all pieces of clothing.

+ Please communicate with the teachers and teaching assistants, we are here to help and want to support your child as they settle into school. If you would like to speak to a member of staff, we can arrange this at an appropriate time. Alternatively, please use Tapestry to contact us.

+ Please look at Tapestry to view your child's online journal. You will be able to see all the fantastic learning they have been doing in school.

+ Smile, have fun and enjoy your child's first year in school. Remember we are here to help and support you and your child on this journey.


Our Spring 1 topic is 'Happy, Healthy Me'. During this topic we focus on healthy eating and where our food comes from. 

 We will read the following texts:

Kitchen Disco

Daisy! Eat Your Peas

Whiffy Wilson- The Wolf Who Wouldn't Wash

Chinese New Year

Lost and Found 

Hello Spring



During the year you will be invited to attend parent workshops learning about Phonics, Maths and Reading.
You will be invited to Celebration of Learning activities where you can enjoy learning alongside your child.



Children will soon access daily literacy, phonics, guided reading and maths. To support your child, please access the following websites.

These are some free apps that you can download to support your child:

  • Twinkl phonics suite
  • Daisy Dinosaur
  • Collins big cat
  • Monster hunt

We look forward to the rest of the year,

Portugal Team