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Please follow this link to access information about how Greenwood Academies Trust is governed, including

  • our memorandum of association
  • our articles of association
  • the names of our trustees and members.

Information about local governance can be read here.

Each Academy within the Greenwood Academies Trust has its own Advisory Council (AAC) that works closely with each  Principal.

Each AAC is a small group and has staff, parent and community representation. It is not, however, the same as a traditional governing body as it has no legal responsibilities. These responsibilities are held by the GAT Trust Board.

Each AAC meets formally at least termly and AAC members are encouraged to play an active part in the day to day life of the Academy .

The Welland Academy Advisory Council has three key roles in terms of the development and success of the Academy:

  1. To advise and act as a critical friend to the Principal of the Academy and to advise the Trust Board about local issues they need to consider that affect the Academy.
  2. To represent the interests of the Academy community in the running of the Academy and to represent the Academy in its community.
  3. To provide support to the Principal in undertaking appropriate day to day procedures that are essential to the life of the Academy, such as disciplinary and complaints procedures.

Academy Advisory Council Members


Joanna Anderson

Trust Senior Education Advisor

Vicki Godbold

Staff Members

Clifford Cullen
Demelza Buzer

Parent Members

Charlene Osifo 
Saf Chowdhury

Community Members

Sherrie Courten

Sarah Tomkins

Graham Camp (Clerk) 

Hayley Crowson


Rachael Dawkins

Click Here to view the Trust Governance Arrangements.