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Welcome to the Art Blog

The Art Blog will show what the children have been working on in their art lessons.

The children in Years 2 to 6 have been focusing on drawing and experimenting with a range of drawing materials.

After exploring the different ways to use materials such as sketching pencils, oil pastels, gel pens, black fineliners, metallic crayons, charcoal pencils and graphite sticks, the children were given a range of adjectives to respond to and to represent. The words varied for each year group starting with easier ideas such as 'light' or 'dark' and moving to words such as 'ancient' or 'chaotic'.  They couldn't draw pictures of objects and could only use line, shape, texture, pattern, tone and colour to express the meanings of the words.

They worked collaboratively to put their ideas into a grid to produce their finished artwork, some of which you can see below.

How would you represent 'magic', 'velvety', 'pulsing', 'explosive' or 'precious'? Why not have a go at home...