Alien Day
Look! Lithuania got taken over by a bunch of Aliens!!
Look! Lithuania got taken over by a bunch of Aliens!!
What an exciting start to our Topic! Aliens landed in our Outside Area over the half term holiday.
On Friday 19th October, Year 1 went on a trip to the Peterborough Musuem!
We made Boggart Tree Prints using Clay and other natural materials.
We had a visit from Reverend Simon as part of our R.E.
We've been very lucky this half term to be able to go on 2 adventures as part of our 'Enchanted Woodland' Topic!
We went on a trip to Stanground to take part in a Multiskills Festival with Year 1 Classes from other schools.
Today, we dressed up as Superheroes and saved the World!!
Last week, we discovered something strange had landed in our vegetable plot!
We had a Dinosaur themed Family Friday today!
As part of our Dinosaur Topic, we've been creating our own Dinosaur Explorer Movies.
We found Dinosaur Eggs in our class.