Year 2 Poland
Welcome to Poland Class
Class teacher – Miss McKearney
Teaching Assistants - Miss Dawkins
PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Please ensure that FULL PE kit is worn to school on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Children need to have their purple Welland shirt, black shorts, trousers or leggings and trainers.
Homework: For homework, we encourage children to read as much as they can at home. They have a reading book which can be changed throughout the week and a reading record to record when they read. Inside the reading record, the children will also have their login for Timestable Rock Stars. We encourage children to practice this as regularly as they can.
Reading: We ask all of our children to read every evening with an adult at home. Please ensure that reading records and reading books come into school each day. At the end of the week, the child who has read the most times at home will be awarded the Reader of the Week and will win a prize. When the children have read their book at least two times, they will complete an AR quiz and answer some comprehension questions about the book to ensure they have fully understood the story. If the children pass the quiz, they can change their book. For other children, we will change their book once they have read their book fluently and understood some comprehension questions about what they have read.
Autumn Term 1
This term our History topic is, 'The Great Fire of London'. We will be learning about what London was like before the fire began, the causes of the fire and changes made in London after the fire was extinguished. In Science, we will be learning about what animals and humans need to survive, life cycles and the different characteristics of living things. We will also begin to learn about different habitats. In Geography, we will be learning about human and physical features.
Autumn Term 2
In Science, we will continue to learn about animals, including humans. We will be thinking about the importance of exercise and healthy eating and one of our tasks will be to design a healthy, balanced meal. In Geography, we will begin to compare two different places, London and Nairobi.
Spring Term 1
In Science, we are learning about materials. We will be classifying different materials and experimenting with how they can be used in different ways. In Geography, we will continue our comparison of a small place in the UK to a non-European location. in History, we will be learning about Significant historical events, people and places in our locality. Our History study will focus on Newmarket and the changes made by King Charles 2nd.
Spring Term 2
In Science, we will be revisiting our learning about living things and their habitats and our unit on materials. In Geography, we will begin to learn about fieldwork and map skills. The children will learn to draw sketch maps and design keys to identify the different features. In DT, we will be designing and making our own fruit crumble!
Summer Term 1
In Science, we will be learning about seeds, and how they germinate. We will also be learning about what a plant needs to thrive and be healthy. In Geography, we will continue to learn a bout fieldwork and map skills and we will be visiting the seaside to practise our fieldwork and mapping skills. In DT, we will be designing and making our own bookmark. We will be sewing our designs using a variety of stitches.
Summer Term 2
In Science, we will be continuing to learn about plants and we will be revisiting our unit on animals including humans. In Geography, we will be learning about the Amazon Rainforest and comparing it to our location. In History, we will be revisiting our unit on The Great Fire of London.