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Our Curriculum

At Welland Academy our vision is to ensure that every pupil is successful academically, emotionally and socially which enables them to reach their full potential  through their school life and beyond.   

Our inclusive curriculum is designed to recognise pupils prior learning and provide a framework for them to learn and develop a depth of knowledge which is coherent and progressive. This is enabled through not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also through first hand learning experiences and fostering children’s natural curiosity which excites, promotes and sustains children’s interest. 

The development of knowledge and skills is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values. High quality teaching, supported by targeted, proven interventions ensures that individual and small group needs are met. 

We use CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) as a base curriculum for Science, History and Geography. CUSP is;

  • ‘Connected’
  • ‘Cumulative’
  • ‘Coherent’

It is underpinned by evidence, research and cognitive science. Modules are deliberately sequenced for robust progression and allows teachers to focus on the lesson. There is an emphasis on oracy and vocabulary acquisition, retention and use to break down barriers and accelerate progress. A rich diet of language and vocabulary is deliberately planned for.

Our curriculum ensures that academic development, creativity and problem solving, as well as physical development, well-being and mental health are key elements that support the development of our pupils and promote a positive attitude to learning. We recognise the importance of developing talents through providing chances for children to learn instruments and competing in sporting events. Lunchtimes and extra-curricular activities further provide opportunities for children to develop and apply a wealth of skills.

Our curriculum encourages children to make choices that are important to them, provide opportunities for them to make a difference and make a positive contribution to the school and the local community. We support our pupils to develop interpersonal skills, building resilience and become creative and critical thinkers through the development of our core values. 

By working with our families and local community, we create an aspirational environment and academy community where everyone is valued and successes are celebrated. 


To find out more about what is taught in each subject, have a look at our curriculum maps for each year group below or go to the subject pages.